
137 Old Hasting Rd.
PO Box 354
Warkworth ON K0K 3K0

The Bridge Hospice is a three-bed residential hospice where people with a terminal illness can spend their final days in a beautiful and welcoming place that is close to home. Professional healthcare workers with a special passion for palliative care provide bedside care and assurance around-the-clock. We have designated palliative nurses, and special volunteers to help support residents and their families. Our service also unburdens worn-out family caregivers, by allowing friends and family to just “be there” without the worry of managing care. All of this service is provided free of charge.

The Bridge Hospice is a registered charity and relies on donations to cover operational costs and many volunteers who contribute their skills and time to provide leadership, fundraising, maintenance, administration and special event support.

For more information about the admission process, donations and volunteer opportunities, please visit www.thebridgehospice.com