Youth Groups
Warkworth Scouting
Currently there is no Scouting operating in Warkworth. To find your closest Scouting Group visit or contact Scouting at 1-888-726-8876. Scouting is always looking for opportunities to start new programs.
Girl Guides of Canada
Girls and young women learn co-operation, self-sufficiency and self-confidence amid their peers. Sparks (age 5-6), Brownies (7-8), Guides (9-11), Pathfinders (12-14) and Rangers (15-plus) meet on Monday nights in Warkworth at various locations. Call Unit Administrator Pam Richardson, at 1-877-323-4545 x 3105 or Tracy Russell at 905-344-7709.
Warkworth 4H Calf Club
Members meet once a month at various homes of the participants. Members learn about the beef industry and are instructed on proper showmanship style when competing at area agricultural fairs.
Warkworth Playgroup
The Warkworth Playgroup is a free program offered every Monday, 10 a.m. - noon, in the basement of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, for children up to six years of age and their parents. Activities include story time, crafts, songs and snacks. The toy lending van comes every two weeks. There is also a literacy program.
For more information call Julianne at 705-924-2818. Email We can also be found on Facebook at